Artist known as 'Papa' - most intricate maze?
'Labyrinth' (1986)
Could you turn the city into a labyrinth?
Organised Rambling

Roll the dice and follow the corresponding instruction.
This should be done quickly and without hesitation.
If you can't follow the instructions (e.g. you can't find someone wearing a hat or it's not possible to cross the road) then roll the dice again and move quickly onto the next instruction.
Be safe. Make sure you assess the situation before completing the instruction. Eg crossing the road or entering private property.

1 Take the next left
2 Take the next right
3 Follow someone wearing a hat
4 Look for the colour yellow and walk to it
5 Look for the colour pink and walk away from it
6 Look for the colour purple
7 Follow the outline of a cloud above
8 Move in the direction the wind is moving
9 Move towards the direction of what you can smell
10 Walk to something spiky
11 Walk to something smooth
12 Walk to a loud noise
13 Walk to no noise
14 Follow a pigeon or bird
15 Follow a dog
16 Follow a blowing leaf
17 Turn towards the sun and take 10 steps
18 Follow something fury
19 Walk to a reflection
20 Cross the road if safe to do so or at the next crossing

The Minotaur in his labyrinth. What would be the city's Minotaur be?
Playtime - Jacques Tati. Experiencing the city as a complex intricate maze. That doesn't make sense and you continually get lost.
No wrong turns can be made.
Gijs Van Vaerenbergh - Labrynth in Genk, Belgian
Becoming a creature, knight on their adventure
Least direct way to get from a to b?
Many of the stone labyrinths around the Baltic coast of Sweden were built by fishermen during rough weather and were believed to entrap evil spirits, the "smågubbar" or "little people" who brought bad luck. The fishermen would walk to the centre of the labyrinth, enticing the spirits to follow them, and then run out and put to sea.

Get to Irene's for 1pm
Directions through finding colour
You failed the challenge miserably:(
- I never thought I would get lost a street away from where a live
- I never new these streets existed and I became truly lost
- I discovered a new park
- Many dogs to hide from in Myatt's Fields park
I need to build a labyrinth within the city rather than using endless roads and turns.
It needs to be a confined maze with fictional walls, rules and parameters.
Rewards and dangers?
Perhaps a dragon lives at number 54 or a goblin in the coop on Camberwell road?
Or a coin that allows you to walk to the goal without the roll of a dice.
And you have to avoid these or find the coins within the labyrinth.
Making a closed labyrinth in Camberwell
Sam Curtis - ‘which way now?’ project explores how we experience our environment in particular through the eyes of children. It highlights how our urban spaces are increasingly becoming serious and ‘adult’ centered. If you don't fit this narrative then it can be hard to navigate and interact with the space. For instance in his project, where a group of children lead a walk through curiosity and fascination. Individuals reactions to the children, denying access or making exceptions, reveals how london’s urban spaces are designed exclusively for serious adult workers were this is so out of the ordinary. But ‘the possibilities of the city are so different when walking with a group of children.’ It involves meandering and transforming the city into a playground. - serpentine podcast ‘On Practice: Walking’ March 2021.
Dungeons and Dragons + Game Play
Using dungeons and dragons as an example to create a game that can be played by anyone, anywhere. If you have a little extra time on your commute to or or as an activity in your own spare time. I want to create a set of cards to transform the city into an adventure game board. I like how in dungeons and dragons, a game I know very little about, you can continue the game for as long as you want. Characters develop and pick up new skills they can take onto the next adventures or stages. There is no winning or losing of the game, but the primary aim is to build exciting stories and adventures that create a memorable story. How will the interactions with our environment change when we take on this philosophy and interact with our streets with an adventure mindset.

Rolling dice and chance plays a large part in the game ‘Anything is possible, but the dice make some things more probable than others.’

The Multiverse
Pamela Colman Smith + James Eads tarot card designs
Tarot Cards - Expanding the Commute